JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob Lech says the Instructional Plan Review Team has recommended to continue under the current instructional plan.
Dr. Lech says they continue to report their numbers regarding COVID-19 positives, close contacts, and more.
Dr. Lech says they continue to gather data, using their collected information to form decisions rather than what’s happening externally.
He added that mitigation strategies remain effective and the support of their staff continues to be a main reason they have kept COVID-19 numbers down in the school district.
Dr. Lech says they also continue to provide serial testing for staff. He added they are keeping contact with area providers to gain access to vaccines for their staff.
In other school news, Dr. Lech says they continue to stay informed on the progress of the UJ/JPS shared use facility project. He says construction has slowed and stopped in some parts due to the last weather conditions.
He thanked the University of Jamestown and JLG Engineering for the current updates on the facility construction progress. He added they had a “fairly disappointing meeting” regarding construction costs of the locker rooms at the field.
He recommended that the board hold on making any agreement until they can reach a point where they know what direction they want to take with the facility.
Dr. Lech says he’s also begun collecting data and information for a Capital Projects plan and a focus on summer projects. He says he’ll continue gathering that information from school administrators and then create a consolidated plan for the board to review.
You can watch the full board meeting below, courtesy of Jamestown Video: