VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A message from Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud.
“Congratulations. With your efforts our COVID Numbers reached a point where the Governor declared North Dakota is now at the Green Risk Level. Great job everyone! That we are “Green”, more opportunities are available to us such as greater seating capacities in restaurants, bars and large venues. That said, how about checking activities schedules at VCPS, St. Catherine’s and VCSU. There are still some ballgames to be played and perhaps it would work out for you to give the kids a “boost” by your attendance where allowed.
The other day I drove for one of our local car dealerships. Did you know our local dealers would search for nearly any kind of vehicle for which you may be looking? Stop in and check them out …… “Give it a shot”.
Barnes County is in a good position with COVID as of this writing. Until vaccinations are almost complete, it is important we continue doing the things that allowed us to reach the Green Risk Level. Wash hands, Social Distance and Mask-up when we cannot Social Distance. Thank you.
If you want COVID VACCINATIONS, visit the City-County Health District website, citycountyhealth.org or call 845-8518 for help. Currently, people 75 and older are eligible.
Watch for information on “Love of Local”. About $240,000.00 of CARES Funding will be used to provide approximately 23-25% savings for people who purchase Chamber Bucks to be redeemed in Valley City businesses. It is a great way to leverage some of your stimulus check.”
Valley City Mayor
Dave Carlsrud