

Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service


A coalition of organic groups urges the Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program to finalize the Origin of Livestock rule. In a letter to the acting Agriculture Secretary, the groups say, “We need a strong, enforceable Origin of Livestock rule as soon as possible.” The letter, signed by 118 organic organizations and 249 organic farmers from across the nation, strongly urges the Secretary of Agriculture to oversee finalization of the origin of organic livestock rule and ensure that the rule is enforceable. Last June, USDA’s National Organic Program missed a deadline Congress set for the NOP to finalize the long-awaited rule. Organic Farmers Association Executive Director Kate Mendenhall says, “Organic dairy farmers have been left behind by the NOP, and the years of broken promises of fixing this regulatory loophole have been devastating.” The organic groups say that each month that goes by without implementation of this rule “puts more family organic dairy farmers out of business across the country.”