Jamestown Public Schools
Winter Activities Update
January 29, 2021
Jamestown High School is updating their spectator guidelines for winter activities to align with Governor Doug Burgum’s statewide status change to green. These guidelines call for 75% of capacity and will go into effect beginning Friday, January 29 at 8:00 AM.
Ticket sales for basketball games will be limited to the first 1350 tickets sold. JPS reserves the right to voucher games where projected attendance may exceed the 1350-person capacity. In these instances, vouchers will be distributed to teams in advance with remaining tickets available for purchase at the door.
Ticket sales will be limited to the first 475 tickets sold. Individuals purchasing tickets for others will be limited to no more than two per person unless your party is present at the time of the purchase.
Ticket sales for wrestling contests will be limited to the first 675 tickets sold. Individuals purchasing tickets for others will be limited to no more than two per person unless your party is present at the time of the purchase.
Due to a limited capacity of 75, the voucher system will continue to be used. Each home gymnast will be supplied with four vouchers to issue to family/friends allowing them to purchase an admission ticket.
The JHS Pool will be limited to the first 375 tickets sold. Individuals purchasing tickets for others will be limited to no more than two per person unless your party is present at the time of the purchase.
Concerts/Fine Arts:
Based upon the event, instructors will share appropriate information with students and families regarding attendance.
Other Schools:
Attendance procedures at schools throughout the state may vary with some schools continuing to issue vouchers and in some instances, attendance being restricted or fans not being allowed. Please check with your coach prior to going out of town.
Masks are required of all fans, table workers, sideline personnel and media. Appropriate social distancing protocols are also expected. Media wishing to cover the event are encouraged to contact the JHS activities office in advance. We will continue to monitor the directives and guidelines of the NDDoH, Central Valley Health, NDHSAA and the WDA. We will also provide more information as it becomes available should conditions change and the need arises to adjust attendance capacities.