
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – A project last offered two years ago will be returning to Jamestown this year.

Annie’s Project is a six-week program that helps farm women become better business partners in their farm or ranch operation.

In a team up with NDSU Extension Services in Barnes, Kidder, and Stutsman Counties, the program will help farm women become empowered to be better business partners or sole operators through networks and by managing and organizing critical information.

Extension Agent Alicia Harstad says the program will focus on five areas of agricultural risk.

Since its inception, Annie’s Project courses have reached more than 9,000 farm and ranch women in 33 states. Linda, an Annie’s Project alumna, says, “I took the class to gain a better understanding about agribusiness and how financial decisions impact our farm operation. This class has improved the communication with my spouse about his daily farm concerns.”

Participation is being limited to 15 to adjust for COVID guidelines, but also to assist with the small group discussion and networking between participants.

Harstad added the extensive program will run for six weeks beginning Thursday, February 11th through March 18th from 5:30 PM to 9 PM at the Stutsman County Extension Office.

Cost to attend the program is $150 that covers teaching materials, meals, and more.

For more information or to register for the program, visit or call 701-252-9030. You can also like Stutsman County NDSU Extension Service on Facebook.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Alicia Harstad below: