Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service
Day one of the Biden administration brought several executive orders signed by the President, including those reversing actions taken during the Trump Administration. President Joe Biden called for unity during his inauguration speech, stating, “We must end this uncivil war that pits red versus blue, rural versus urban,” before planning to sign 17 executive orders later in the day. Of note to rural America and agriculture, the actions include an executive order to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement and to block the Keystone XL pipeline. Another executive order halts construction of the border wall by terminating the national emergency declaration used to fund it. Another action seeks to rejoin the World Health Organization. Additionally, the President took steps to extend COVID-19 policies around evictions and student loans. Other actions include executive orders covering human rights, Immigration and ethics. However, his first action created a mask mandate on federal property and public transportation.