Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service
The United Soybean Board is teaming up with partners from Soylent and DuPont Nutrition and Biosciences this spring in a pilot program identifying their products and ingredients as being made with sustainably grown U.S. soy. The companies will use the new Sustainably Grown U.S. Soy mark, which recognizes soy ingredients that have originated from a system of continuous improvement. The goal of this food industry innovation is to improve sustainability in product supply chains from farm to fork. The Sustainably Grown U.S. Soy mark is based on a national system of sustainability and conservation laws and regulations and farmer participation in the U.S. Farm Program. It seeks to increase demand for soybeans grown by U.S. farmers who commit to conservation practices. Products carrying the mark contain soy ingredients grown in the United States, compliant with all U.S. environmental regulations, protect highly erodible soils and wetlands and were grown on family farms with responsible labor practices.