
BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a report from North Dakota District 24 State Senator Mike Wobbema from the 2021 Legislative Session at the State Capitol in Bismarck.

“We’ve had a full week now of the 67th Legislative Session. Since I’ve been here, I’ve been asked about how I’m dealing with the fire hose. For those who don’t understand the analogy, the fire hose refers to beginning something new and being completely inundated with all the information that comes at you. You probably understand taking a drink from a garden hose in the summer; now imagine that happening from a fire hose – I think you get the picture. In answering their question, I usually quip that it feels like three fire hoses. The information comes fast, and at the same time there is the need to learn how all the processes work, along with all the computer programs that have been developed to run those processes. If there is any comfort in being the “new guy” in this environment, it is that a lot of the computer programs we are using are new to all the veterans as well.

In this time of COVID, we have the ability to conduct all of our business, with each legislator being able to remotely tap into any meeting or session, from wherever they may be. So far, the glitches have been few and far between, and the systems appear to be functioning as desired. My hat is off to the Information Technology gurus who are putting in very long days to address the various problems that come from 141 legislators. They have made this a fairly seamless operation.

Governor Burgum gave his State of the State address to a joint session to kick off the 67th Legislative Session. His main points of discussion identified a record population for North Dakota of 765,309 citizens as of July 1, 2020, a $1.25 billion dollar bonding proposal that would not raise taxes, making $700 million of it available for a revolving loan fund, a discussion of the status of COVID-19 for our state and the implementation of the first vaccines, and a request to study and develop a permanent Higher Education and Stabilization and Transformation Fund for ND Public Institutions to be implemented by 2024. Not an all-inclusive list, but the highlights.

In turn, members of the Senate and House introduced a $1.25 billion bond proposal. This bond would focus on infrastructure needs in the state and could address significant needs in different areas of North Dakota. With the Governor, House and Senate Republicans, and Democrats all having proposed different bonding plans, we can expect that bonding will be a significant topic during this legislative session.

I have been assigned to the Education Committee and the Government and Veterans Affairs Committee. There, we’ve listened to requests to update the Century Code from outdated language, cleanup language to remove obsolete reporting requirements, changing the requirement for the Historical Society’s storage of the Nickel Trophy, and adding language needed by the North Dakota National Guard; to continue pursuing much needed expansion of Camp Grafton, language that would better align the Military’s Uniform Code of Military Justice to State Statute, and better align federal Rules for Use of Force with state statutes.

We’ve also listened to a request by the Director of Rough Rider Industries to expand their ability to sell their products to state employees. All of these came with Do Pass recommendations. Again, not an al inclusive list.

As I get more settled in, more issues will be presented, and more opportunities to do the right thing for the citizens of District 24, and the state of North Dakota will manifest themselves. I greatly appreciate your support, your prayers, and for giving me the opportunity to represent all of you.”

District 24
Senator Mike Wobbema

The full interview with Senator Wobbema is attached below.