

Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service


The Weed Science Society of America and two of its regional affiliates recently released details on their upcoming virtual annual meetings. The meetings are focused on research, innovations and best practices in weed control. The first, the Southern Weed Science Society annual meeting, takes place January 25-26. Based on the theme “Moving Obstacles,” the session will kick off on January 25 with a day of virtual talks by student weed scientists. February 15-17, The Weed Science Society of America will hold its annual meeting. Five special seminars will be offered, including Advances in sensor-based weed detection and precision management, and a history, overview and plan of action on PPO-inhibiting herbicides. March 1-4, the Western Society of Weed Science will hold a joint meeting with the Western Aquatic Plant Management Society. Three seminars are planned for the joint event, including updates from weed biocontrol, invasive grass management, and the relationship between herbicide-resistant crops and weeds. Learn more about the meetings at WSSA.net.