
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is news release by Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud.

“Wow, what a nice January and it looks like we have some more days of nice weather. Keeping in mind there are winter conditions, get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Last Tuesday Governor Burgum presented the “State of the State Address” kicking off the 2021-2023 Legislative Biennium.

Our “Valley City Team” is busy preparing funding request presentations for but not limited to, water, sewer, street, dam and permanent flood protection projects. This biennium will be challenging as the last year of oil production and prices were below projections. There will be many tough decisions facing our legislators so they will need our support.

Your City Commission passed a program to stimulate local sales. When it is implemented, individuals can purchase up to $625 worth of Chamber Bucks for only $500. That is a 25% discount with which you can shop Valley City stores. The program will be funded with $200,000 from the CARES ACT. Be watching for more complete information.

Kindness, it costs nothing, but means everything. (Kindness Quotes for Kids)

A COVID note, while our numbers are pretty good right now, there are a number of areas in our nation where numbers are “blowing up”. To increase our chances against the virus, get vaccinated, mask-up, wash your hands and social distance.

Fun facts from your Valley City Municipal Utilities Dept. in 2020, our electricity was “on” 99.99996% of the time. Thank you to all who contributed.

“There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.” attributed to Ronald Reagan, 40th US President.

Blessings, Pray, Be Safe and Be Kind,

Dave Carlsrud