JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Since 2003, Arts Midwest World Fest has brought international musicians to communities throughout the Midwest.
The Jamestown Arts Center had previous hosted four world-renowned performance groups. This year, they’ll be bringing them to the area virtually.
Gallery Manager Sally Jepson says in 2015, they had been a site for the Midwest Worldfest. But with COVID-19, they had decided to bring their performances to the midwest virtually.
While the concerts are free and offered virtually, the Jamestown Arts Center will be hosting the concerts free at their location over the lunch hour in sessions their calling “Lunch Listens.” Jepson says participants can bring their lunch and enjoy the concerts.
On January 12th, they’ll host their first listen featuring Hadar Maoz of Israel.
Other concerts are set for January 19th and February 2nd.
Those who want to watch the concerts and access the study guides, discussion questions, and videos can visit artsmidwest.org/worldfestonline.
For more information, contact the Jamestown Arts Center at 701-251-2496 or online at jamestownarts.com.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Sally Jepson below: