JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – With 2021 approaching, and the release of a COVID-19 vaccine, Central Valley Health plans to continue regular testing in the new year.
Since Labor Day, Central Valley Health has provided COVID-19 testing more often. Beginning once a week at the Jamestown Civic Center, later adding an additional testing day at Harold Newman Arena. CVH continues to offer rapid testing, allowing results to be available within a half-hour. Throat swab tests are available to those who test negative on the rapid test, if they choose to do so.
As of Wednesday, CVH has conducted over 240 COVID-19 vaccinations to those on the Phase 1A schedule, which includes frontline healthcare workers and first responders.
The COVID-19 Testing schedule will become available soon as events are being scheduled at the Jamestown Civic Center that conflicts with the normal schedule.