Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service
John Deere announced a $1 million donation this week to the National FFA Organization. The donation, scheduled for 2021, will support FFA’s mission through developing leadership skills, personal growth, and career success. Since John Deere’s initial contribution of $1,000 in 1943, it has donated more than $16 million to the National FFA Foundation. John Deere was also one of the first corporate sponsors to form an FFA Alumni and Supporters Chapter. Today, employees from John Deere facilities across the U.S. volunteer to coach, mentor and train FFA chapters. National FFA Foundation President Molly Ball says, “We are more than pleased to continue partnering with John Deere as we continue to provide programming that will enable the future of agricultural education and FFA.” John Deere Vice President of Production Systems Aaron Wetzel stated, “At John Deere, we believe FFA is as important to the future of agriculture as any cutting-edge machine, technology or service that we will deliver.”