National Sorghum Producers is proud to announce that a new U.S. dryland sorghum yield record is 245.86 bushels per acre. Ella Johnston of Fulton County, Pennsylvania, set the record in the 35th National Sorghum Yield Contest. NSP says sorghum producers faced weather challenges, economic uncertainty, and a challenging year overall, but they still showed resilience, continued to farm and produced high yielding sorghum. The 2020 National Sorghum Yield Contest had seven national winners selected from three categories for both the eastern and western regions of the U.S. This year’s top yield and Bin Buster winner is Johnston’s new dryland record. “The National Sorghum Yield Contest is an avenue to not only highlight the yield achievements of our producers but also to discover, learn, and engage with our members from New Jersey to Idaho and in between,” says NSP Board of Directors Chairman Kody Carson, a sorghum producer from Texas. “This year demonstrates the resilience of our producers, and we’re proud of pushing those boundaries and revealing the potential of sorghum in record-setting ways.”