Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service
A program begun in late April to generate pork donations to hungry Iowans is receiving a generous boost to keep meat on their plates. Zoetis, a leading animal health company, is donating $25,000 to Pass the Pork for processing and storage of ground pork that will provide 40,000 servings of pork. Pass the Pork is a coordinated program with support from the Governor’s Feeding Iowans Task Force, the Iowa Food Bank Association, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the Iowa State University Meats Laboratory, and the Iowa Pork Producers Association. When Pass the Pork was first launched, it was also targeted at helping Iowa pork producers find market outlets for pigs backing up on farms because of food supply chain disruptions. Currently, those disruptions have dissipated. However, Iowa Pork President Mike Paustian says, “COVID-related challenges have deepened food insecurity.” The Iowa Food Bank Association says there has been a double-digit increase in need at food banks.