JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Central Valley Health reports the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines have arrived in North Dakota with the first in Jamestown expected next week.
Central Valley Health Unit Administrator Robin Iszler believes the vaccine will arrive by Monday, December 21st. She says they have met with other health partners including nursing homes and other providers to discuss the arrival of the vaccine to the community.
Iszler says the Moderna vaccine is the expected one to be distributed to the community once it’s approved by the FDA. She explained its important that individuals don’t “interchange” the vaccines if they receive one or the other.
Those who have received other vaccines such as the flu vaccine are asked to wait 14 days before receiving the COVID vaccine.
Iszler added that those who have had COVID-19 are also encouraged to still get the vaccine.
Those who have had severe reactions to other vaccines are encouraged to not take the vaccine.
The biggest question Iszler says they’ve been receiving?
Iszler also reminded everyone that they intend to use a large facility for mass vaccinations once it becomes available to the public. You’re encouraged to find the latest updates on the Central Valley Health website and Facebook page.
Other speakers included representatives of area nursing homes and long-term care facilities, JRMC and Sanford Clinics.
You can watch the full briefing below: