

Minnesota Corn Growers Association


Efforts supported by the Minnesota Corn Growers Association have successfully transitioned to the virtual world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Twin Cities Road Crew is the latest partner to continue its mission by moving its curriculum online to continue to reach metro schools with facts about corn and corn farming.

In a normal year, Twin Cities Road Crew travels to schools and holds in-person assemblies with 300-400 kids in attendance. The interactive format shares facts about corn while getting kids of varying ages moving and excited about the material.

The group was hard at work over the summer to take that same experience online. By the time the 2020-2021 school year began, a virtual assembly was available to schools statewide.

Twin Cities Road Crew Co-Owner Felicia Schaefer said her team worked with teachers, principals and superintendents to create a digital assembly that conforms to Minnesota education standards in an interactive way. Facts shared during the online presentation include the origin of corn, Minnesota’s status as a top producer, the many uses of corn, varieties of corn and the year-round work of farmers. Along the way, students remain engaged through activities.

Schaefer said the online curriculum was enthusiastically welcomed by the teachers it typically works with to hold in-person assemblies. In fact, the virtual assemblies were able to reach more students than ever.

“It is quite the undertaking to get 300-400 kids in a lunchroom during normal times, but with the virtual format they can show it right in their classroom or when kids are learning from home,” Schaefer said. “Instead of 300 kids watching the program, it has been closer to 700.”

Moving its assemblies to the virtual world is just one way Twin Cities Road Crew has adapted to COVID-19. The group has also brought its corn-themed entertainment to drive-in movie theatres and outdoor attractions like Sever’s Fall Festival.

Through their investment in the Minnesota Corn check-off, farmers are supporting efforts by Twin Cities Road Crew and more reaching the non-farming public. Learn how your check-off investment is building a brighter future on the farm by clicking here.