JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The James River Humane Society is reminding people that adopting or getting a pet for a present is a great Christmas gift, but proper planning can make all the difference.
James River Humane Society Board Member Jay Nitschke says you need to remember that when you introduce a pet into a home for the first time, it’ll take a bit for it to get used to the new surroundings.
Nitschke added that when gifting a pet to someone for Christmas, it’s best to make sure you know exactly what they’re looking for and “know them very well.”
Because of poor planning and not allowing the pet to adapt to its new home, they see a major increase in pets brought to the shelter. According to PETA, a shelter in Fargo, North Dakota, reports that in its area, more than 700 animals are turned over to shelters right after the holidays every year.
Currently around 10 dogs and about 15 to 20 cats are available for adoption.
Nitschke says they’re also continuing to seek assistance at the shelter through donations. Call the James River Humane Society to schedule an appointment to visit at 701-252-0747.
You can send donations to post office box 636, Jamestown, ND 58402 or visit jamesriverhumanesociety.org.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Jay Nitschke below: