National Pork Producers Council
U.S. agriculture and food workers, essential to maintaining the supply chain that keeps store shelves and pantries stocked, should be included as a priority group to receive COVID-19 vaccinations, directly after healthcare workers and other high-risk individuals, NPPC wrote Thursday in comments submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “America’s hog farmers remain committed to their essential role in supporting the nation’s food security. In anticipation of COVID-19 vaccines being approved and made available, the CDC and other federal and state partners must recognize the vital role that food and agriculture workers” play in keeping food on America’s tables, NPPC wrote. “With COVID cases on the rise in many states, vaccinations will play a key role in protecting essential workers, such as those in the food sector. It is imperative that on-farm and in-plant workers, who are integral to keeping Americans fed, have early access to COVID-19 vaccines,” NPPC added. The full comments are available here.