JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The City of Jamestown introduced their new Jamestown Fire Department ladder truck in November, more than a year after the previous truck had failed.
The more than $1 million ladder truck replaced the previous truck, which had originally been supplied by the state of North Dakota for the past 90 years. The city passed a resolution in January 2020, urging the state to assist with the ladder truck purchase.
At that time, the city came up with a plan for one third of the money coming from the fire department’s equipment replacement funds, one third from donations and the final third from the state.
Jamestown Mayor Dwaine Heinrich encouraged the public to reach out to their legislators and urge them to approve their portion of the funding for the truck.
Heinrich says he believes the splitcost is a “good deal” for the state and Jamestown, adding that it’s “very much needed.”