JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Public School Board has voted to continue operating under Instructional Plan 2, which allows full time, in person classes for elementary students and four days for Middle & High School with a dedicated virtual day.
Jamestown Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob Lech says the Instructional Plan Review Team is very encouraged with the current school district COVID-19 cases in the county and state.
Dr. Lech says they saw a significant surge on November 13th, but says that was coincidentally two weeks after Halloween. He says the group remains cautiously optimistic.
Lech says another surge is expected following Thanksgiving and the opening of winter activities for students. He adds that he hopes the trend is numbers continue to drop, but to expect an uptick in cases this week or the next.
In other school board news, the window for families to opt-in to the Jamestown Virtual Academy has been opened for the second semester. It will be open through December 11th.
Dr. Lech reports there have been five families representing eight students who have expressed interest in the second semester of the Virtual Academy. This includes families new to the district and are not currently registered.
You can view the whole school board meeting below: