Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Responding to unprecedented demand from Minnesota shoppers to “Buy Local” this holiday season, the Minnesota Grown program is launching a comprehensive Gift Guide.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has driven more consumers to consider the source of their products and increased their desire to support small businesses. The Minnesota Grown Gift Guide provides an easy way for consumers to find and purchase local gifts online.
Minnesota Grown members submitted over 70 distinct products, ranging from handmade soaps to CSA shares. The Minnesota Grown team created a one-stop shop where all products can be ordered online and are available for delivery and/or curbside pick-up.
“It was of utmost importance to make the giving experience as safe and accessible as possible this year,” Assistant Commissioner Patrice Bailey said. “Many Minnesota Grown members have developed e-commerce functionality on their websites, and this gift guide is a perfect way to highlight this new functionality.”
Customers can view the Gift Guide, or use the Minnesota Grown Directory to search the full list of members and products.