The USDA’s Risk Management Agency made improvements to its prevented planting coverage and to the beginning and veteran farmer and ranchers’ program that officially took effect on November 30th for the crop year 2021. These improvements were made to the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions. “These improvements are the result of feedback from producer groups and other stakeholders,” says RMA Administrator Martin Barbre. “These changes will improve prevented planting coverage and the beginning and veteran farmer and ranchers’ programs for years to come.” Improvements include expanding the “1 in 4” coverage requirement nationwide, which requires producers to plant, insure, and harvest acreage in at least one of the four most recent crop years. RMA is also making modifications to ensure that producers’ prevented planting payments adequately reflect the crops the producer intended to plant. The improvement to the beginning and veteran farmer and rancher program will allow participants with farming experience to use the Actual Production History of the previous producer, with permission, on newly acquired land. RMA is also authorizing additional flexibilities due to COVID-19 while continuing to support producers. More information is available at farmers.gov/coronavirus.