
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a message of reminders from Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud.

“Act of Valor: Our Police and Fire Departments were called to the scene where there was a person in the river. A number of citizens and a police officer utilized a rescue disc to help the person from the icy water. Thank you everyone and watch for details.

We have 143 active cases as of today’s report, slightly fewer than last week at this time. Keep up your good work, *masking up works! Thank you.

I hope you were able to be uptown Saturday to “Shop Small”. Small shops have so many unique items, it is just fun to shop them. Go downtown and look through our local stores. “Shop Local”.

Our weather is cooling some though there is no snow or ice so it is still fun to get out and enjoy some fresh air and exercise. With the wonderful cold weather clothing available, being outside can be comfortable.

Please Recycle: Cardboard thrown in the garbage costs ALL CITIZENS money as landfill disposal costs us. Please recycle all you can, especially cardboard. Thank you.

Our City County Health Department has Mask-UP Kits with signage available for use in your building(s). Please call CCHD at 845-8518.”