CARRINGTON, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The teardown of the old Carrington Elevator is nearing completion according to Mayor Tom Erdmann.
Erdmann says there has been a lot of entities that have come together to begin the teardown of the long vacant elevator.
Built in 1914, the elevator has long served the community and surrounding area. Erdmann says being vacant for so long has left many concerned about the safety of the building. He added he’s hopeful the property could be repurposed once it’s completely razed.
All asbestos has been removed and proper disposal is being conducted during the teardown. Erdmann says there was also concerns of mice or rats vacating the building, to which he says there hasn’t been any.
Erdmann says there have been many spectators as the project continues, watching the process of tearing down the building and splitting metal, wood, and other materials. He added that while it’s an expensive cost to teardown the elevator, it’s a worthwhile process.