
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC) Facilities Manager Amy Walters says they are focused on safety at TRAC, while also focusing on the importance of staying healthy.

As TRAC continues to operate, Walters says they have made some adjustments to fall in line with Governor Doug Burgum’s temporary mandates. She says they’re stressing the importance of remaining physically active during this time.

Walters added that they are doing everything they can to keep people physically safe inside TRAC, but also encouraging people to stay physically active to be more prepared and stronger to fight any disease.

TRAC is requiring all patrons to wear masks in the public spaces, but not while working out. Walters says this, along with other facility precautions, allows them to continue operating safely.

Alternatives are also a possibility for physical health, including in home physical therapy. Matt Ystaas is a Physical Therapist with CHI Health at Home in Carrington.

Ystaas says those with recent illness, injury, and more are encouraged to ask about in-home physical therapy. He says they do have added safety amid the pandemic.

Those interested in home health physical therapy, talk to your local healthcare provider.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Amy Walters and a full interview with Matt Ystaas below: