ABERDEEN, S.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Dacotah Bank has been named one of the Best Banks to Work For by American Banker for the third consecutive year. In 2020 Dacotah Bank climbed the rankings, claiming the 28th place, up two from 2019. Dacotah Bank was ranked 49th in 2018.
American Banker cited Dacotah Bank’s use of virtual communication and learning options, their ongoing conversations with employees throughout the pandemic, and the use of the online learning system to share resources pertaining to remote work and burnout.
Dacotah Bank’s president, Robert Fouberg, agreed, stating that “the unique challenges posed by Covid-19 gave each of us at Dacotah Bank the opportunity to better support our colleagues and our families both professionally and personally. Initiatives were developed from ideas generated throughout the Company and the same have resulted in greater peace of mind, satisfaction and personal well-being. Dacotah Bankers have allowed the Company to maintain commitments to each other, our customers, our shareholders and our communities.”