VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The city of Valley City implemented a mask mandate due to rising numbers of COVID-19 cases in the area.
Mayor Dave Carlsrud said after the Governor bumped up the risk level in Barnes County to “Orange” the city commission decided to support a mask mandate on Friday. He said the mask mandate includes business patrons and their employees.
He said the maximum patron capacity for businesses is at 25 percent. But, he said there could be exceptions for some future events. He said no penalties will be applied to businesses that do not comply with the mandate at this time.
The full interview with the mayor is available below.
Valley City commission meetings are closed to the public for in person attendance until further notice. Residents can watch or listen to city commission meetings virtually. Call city hall for more details on how you can get connected electronically to future meetings. Call 845-1700.
The following is a news release issued by City Attorney Carl Martineck:
“On November 6, 2020, Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud signed Emergency Order 2020-05.1 updating the City Mask Plan in accordance with an increase in Barnes County’s Smart Restart Risk Level to Orange/High.
The revised City Mask Plan requires people in Valley City to wear a face covering over their mouth and nose in buildings and outdoor settings where they may encounter people outside of their household and where social distancing of six feet of more cannot be assured.
The City Mask Plan also requires businesses to follow the ND Smart Restart guidelines, which limit customers in their establishments to 25% capacity with a maximum of 50 people in a room or confined space.
Restaurants, bars, breweries and food service businesses may remain open but take-out, curbside, or delivery is strongly recommended. Face covering requirements apply unless a customer is actively eating or drinking. In addition, establishments with an on-sale alcoholic beverage license will not be permitted to dispense, serve, or allow consumption of alcoholic beverages on their premises after 11:00pm on any night of the week. However, establishments affected by the early closing requirement may continue sales pursuant to Emergency Order 2020-02.2 which permits take-out, curbside delivery, and home delivery of certain alcoholic beverages.
Individuals using or operating public transportation are required to wear a face covering from pickup to arrival at the destination.
The Mask Plan places responsibility on each individual to wear masks to ensure they are not spreading coronavirus and protecting their family, friends, colleagues and fellow community members. The Plan continues to include a list of exemptions to the requirement which includes young children, individuals with a medical condition or disability that prevents face coverings, and certain employment, athletic and other activities.
Emergency Orders 2020-05.1 and 2020-02.2 take effect at 6:00 am on Monday, November 9, and will remain in effect for a period of 30 days, unless the underlying state of emergency has ended, or unless it is modified or terminated sooner by motion or resolution approved by the Board of Commissioners. Law enforcement officers or local officials will actively assist businesses or other property owners, at their request, who wish to enforce trespassing laws or other applicable laws to remove violators.
The Orange/High Risk Level represents significant transmission and high risk for exposure due to widespread community spread of infections. At this level the state recommends significant mitigation strategies including only essential work and travel, use of face coverings, and avoidance of crowds and large gatherings. If Barnes County is moved to the Red/Critical Risk Level the ND Smart Restart plan calls for nonessential businesses to shut down. Mayor Carlsrud again asks that the community come together for the good of our health and safety and in the interest of keeping our local businesses up and running. Visit valleycity.us/covid-19 for more information.
Carl L. Martineck
City Attorney / HR Director
254 2nd Ave. NW, PO Box 390
Valley City, ND 58072
Ph: (701) 845-8136