JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Over 50 Jamestown teachers and staff signed a letter of concern submitted to the Jamestown Public School Board stating their concerns of face-to-face learning amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
High School Teacher Shelly Moltzen addressed the school board Monday night.
Moltzen added that due to the current environment and increase in cases, they’re not in agreement with the return to face-to-face learning in the High School on November 16th.
Moltzen says they support continuing the hybrid learning model through the rest of the year and addressing a change for next semester.
Board member Bob Toso stated that if the public wanted to have their kids back in school full-time, it came down to taking personal responsibility.
Superintendent Dr. Rob Lech says when it came to making a decision, there would always be those who disagree with what’s decided upon.
Dr. Lech says the Jamestown School Board directed the Instructional Plan Review Team to meet and discuss the plan decision and provide a recommendation at a special board meeting on Monday, November 9th at 5:15 PM
You can watch the full School Board meeting below: