
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – “Even with “COVID Fatigue”, we are grateful, seeing acts of kindness such as, people leaving Halloween Treats for a family in quarantine, drivers yielding to pedestrians and some friendly “waves”. Battle “COVID Fatigue” and be friendly as “Courtesy is Contagious”.

Thank you to the people on our Beautification Committee. These folks do volunteer work all over town, securing grant monies, planting trees, planting flowers, and providing upkeep for their many projects through countless volunteer hours. One of their projects is the beautiful Hi-Line Prairie Gardens & Orchard located at 5th Avenue and 9th Street NE.

Walking: When you are out walking, be sure to wear high visibility colors and always face traffic when walking on the streets. There are many distracted drivers and more hours of darkness so it is important you see them and they see you. Please be safe.

COVID numbers are exploding around the USA and North Dakota. I saw one statistic saying if North Dakota were a country, it would have the most positives per capita in the world. Wow.

Last week a “Mask Plan” was implemented to help slow the spread and protect all of us. Some people are not accepting the experts’ knowledge telling us “masks help”. Maybe we could liken the COVID battle like we battle floods. Our whole community “comes together” for the good of all. Like the floods, to slow COVID, we need to “come together” again. Masking-up helps protect your family, friends and fellow workers. Please help.

Businesses need to help too as nonessential businesses in certain areas are being shut down. We want you open, have employees and customers wear masks in your stores. You are in control of your destiny.”

Valley City Mayor

Dave Carlsrud