VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – In January, the mayor of Valley City, Dave Carlsrud challenged Jamestown mayor Dwaine Heinrich to a response rate competition with the 2020 U.S. Census.
The friendly competition pitted the Buffalo City against the City of Bridges to see who could get more residents to respond and get counted.
The race was close, but Jamestown had a self-response rate of 73.5 percent compared to 72 percent for Valley City.
Mayor Heinrich presented his hat promoting Jamestown to Valley City mayor Carlsrud on Tuesday, October 27th. Carlsrud has to wear the hat during the next city commission meeting in Valley City. It says, “Jamestown is the Best!
Mayor Carlsrud had this response about the honor of wearing the hat.
Mayor Heinrich had this response concerning the friendly competition for a good cause.
The challenge was assisted by the Jamestown and Valley City Complete County Committees, a volunteer group established to help encourage local residents to respond to the 2020 Census.
In January, Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud and members of their local Complete Count Committee (CCC) traveled to Jamestown to issue a challenge to Jamestown and Mayor Dwaine Heinrich.
The “losing” city’s mayor would have to wear a baseball cap promoting the “winning” city.
Jamestown and Valley City did much better that the statewide average as well as their respective counties.
State of ND – 65.2%
Stutsman County – 71.4% (up from 67.6% in 2010)
Barnes County – 61.3%
Jamestown – 73.5%
Valley City – 72.0%
The full news conference from October, 27th in the City Hall commission chambers in Valley City with Warren Abrahamson introducing the mayors.