VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a news release from the City County Health District Office in Valley City.
“Halloween is almost here. Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading Covid-19. We’d like to share several safer, alternative ways to have fun at Halloween. If you have Covid-19 or you may have been exposed to someone with it, you should not participate in in-person Halloween festivities and should not give out candy to trick-or-treaters.
TOTALLY SAFE ACTIVITIES: The very safest is to not go trick or treating, but to stay home, watch spooky movies, perhaps create a scavenger hunt, or host an online party. And dress up…and take pictures to share!
CAREFUL TRICK or TREATING: Go with people ‘in your bubble’ to trick or treat. Ring the doorbell then step back a few feet. Avoid groups of people, don’t go in people’s homes especially if they are NOT wearing a mask. And all trick or treaters should wear a face mask! And remember…a costume mask is not a substitute for a cloth mask.
If you are the home giving out treats, wash your hands for 20 seconds before laying out your treats and please wear a face mask. Be sure each treat is individually wrapped, and set them out individually on a table so trick or treaters can pick up their treat without rifling through a whole basket of treats to find the one they want.
And trick or treaters…use hand sanitizer often during the evening out, and wash your hands for 20 seconds before eating any of the delicious treats you were given!
The Drive-By at the Gaukler Family Wellness Center parking lot will provide fun and a safe opportunity for trick or treaters on Friday, October 30 from 6-8 pm. Simply come in your car and drive by the many stations. Each station will offer car trick or treaters a special treat. EVERYONE…wear your (cloth) mask!
Because of the rising Covid numbers Connect Church has decided to cancel their annual Trunk or Treat event this year.
UNSAFE ACTIVITIES: Skip any large gatherings where people are close to each other. Skip indoor events.
REMEMBER the big three. 1) Wear a cloth mask, 2) stay at least 6 feet away from others who do not live with you, 3) Bring hand sanitizer along with at least 60% alcohol and use it after touching objects 4) Before eating any of your Halloween goodies…wash your hands.
For more information on COVID-19 go to www.health.nd.gov and click on coronavirus (more information) or call their hotline at 1-866-207-2880 or contact City County Health District about any concerns or needs that you may have (845-8518). If you or your family would need a cloth mask, they can be obtained at City County Health District.”