JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Work on the road diet in Jamestown wrapped up Friday after paving and striping changes.
1st Avenue through Jamestown is now marked as a two lane roadway with a dedicated center turn lane. Temporary pedestrian crossing signs will be added later this year, but officials are unsure when that will occur.
Councilman Dave Steele says at this time, what is completed with the project gives everyone a good idea at what the finished project will look like.
Traffic signals along 1st Avenue will be removed, excluding one set of signals near the Alfred Dickey Library. These will be replaced with new traffic signals as part of the project.
In the spring of 2021, the NDDOT says they will install the bulb-oouts, sidewalks, benches, garbage cans, and more. Estimated completion for the project is mid-September.