
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Last week, Governor Doug Burgum announced that Stutsman County would be moving from a “moderate” risk level, or yellow, to a “low” risk level, or green.

With that change, the Two Rivers Activity Center (TRAC) will be adjusting their services and operations accordingly. TRAC Facilities Manager Amy Walters says the changes aren’t huge, but some may be noticeable.

Walters says recreation leagues such as women’s volleyball have been delayed one week, but they will be allowed this fall and winter. Walters added that even with leagues being held, some changes will be in place to maintain safety for everyone.

Walters says they’ll also continue to host birthday parties with two rooms being available. She says the move to green has also allowed them to bring back their adventure space.

Another thing TRAC will be bringing back is their morning coffee hours. Walters added that the social connectivity the morning coffee brought was a big thing for the center. She says the’ll move that into their multi-purpose room for the members in the morning.

Walters also pointed out that visitors are more than welcome to wear masks when visiting or using TRAC, but they are not required.

In other TRAC news, Walters says there are still naming opportunities at the Meidinger Splash Park as work continues there. She says they’re on pace for a May 2021 completion and opening date.

For more information, visit tracjamestown.com or like them on Facebook.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Amy Walters below: