JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown Mayor Dwaine Heinrich is encouraging residents to remain positive as work began Monday on a portion of the road diet along 1st Avenue.
The project will include pavement markings and sign installation. During the project, crews will remove existing pavement markings and then replace them. The new markings will help shift traffic flow through downtown Jamestown from four lanes to two lanes with an addition of a center turning lane.
Heinrich added that he understands the change will be difficult, but encouraged motorists and pedestrians to remain positive throughout the project.
City Engineer Travis Dillman added that at this time, there will be temporary pedestrian beacons until permanent ones can be installed.
It’s estimated the road diet project will be fully complete in 2021.
The decision to move forward with the road diet comes after public input and studies by Interstate Engineering and the Department of Transportation. During those sessions, it was found that all but one traffic light was warranted at 3rd Street SW.
Because the signals were not warranted by the NDDOT, the city would not be able to install traffic lights along 1st Avenue in order to meet their specifications.