JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Beginning Wednesday, September 23th, there will be road closures in the northeast part of town on 12th St NE between 4th Ave & 5th Ave NE.
The east alley between 4th Ave & 5th Ave NE, will also be closed between 11th St NE and 13th St NE.
Construction signing will be put into place by the contractor.
This construction work will continue through October 17th. Motorists should use extreme caution in this area.
There’s are a few other one-day road closures planned On Wednesday, there will be a one-day road closure in the northeast part of town on 11th St NE between 4th Ave & 5th Ave NE. Following the closure at the end of the day, there will be intermittent lane restrictions in that area with construction traffic.
Beginning Thursday, September 24th, there will be a one-day road closure in the northeast part of town on 13th St NE between 4th Ave & 5th Ave NE. Following the closure at the end of the day, there will be intermittent lane restrictions in that area with construction traffic.