JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown Tourism is offering grants to nonprofit agencies in Stutsman County for projects that will grow or enhance visitor experiences and increase the impact of tourism in the local economy.
The 2020 Visitor’s Promotion Capital Construction Fund purpose is to create economic benefits including overnight stays, create facilities that do not exist in the area, and/or create experiences that enhance the time visitors spend in Jamestown.
Funds can be used for building new visitor attractions, expansions, creating new experience or supporting services for visitors. Funds cannot be used for marketing or ongoing operating expenses.
Opportunities to apply for these funds will be awarded twice per year. Applications for the fall process are due October 1, 2020, and agencies awarded funding will have one year after the announcement to use these funds. Applications for the spring process will be due March 1, 2021.
More details about the grant program and applications can be requested by emailing office@DiscoverJamestownND.com. Applications must be received at Jamestown Tourism, 404 Louis L’Amour Ln, Jamestown, ND no later than 5 p.m. October 1, 2020.
For more information, contact Searle Swedlund at 701-251-9145.