JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Fargo VA Health Care System will be holding several free drive-thru influenza immunization clinics in September and October for Veterans enrolled in VA healthcare.
For questions about eligibility, call 1-800-410-9723, extension 3428.
Veterans should bring their Veteran ID card, wear a mask, and wear appropriate clothing such as a short-sleeve shirt to receive a flu vaccine. Veterans experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should present for their flu vaccine when it has been at least 10 days since the onset of symptoms – COVID-19 symptoms need to be improved and at least 24 hours without fever greater than 100.0 F. If you have questions regarding COVID-19 and the flu vaccine, please contact your healthcare provider.
Locally, vets will be able to receive the drive-thru immunizations at the Jamestown VA Clinic at 2430 20th St. SW. Dates will be Oct. 6, 9, and 22 from 9 AM to 3 PM.
For more information, call the Fargo VA HCS Public Affairs office at (701) 239-3724.