VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Under guidance from the United States Department of Agriculture, beginning immediately, Valley City Public Schools will be offering free meals to all students. Every student is eligible for free breakfast and lunch daily, independent of income level. Free meals are set to continue through December 31st, 2020 or until USDA funding is no longer available. All families will automatically receive free meals as long as the program is active and need not take any action to receive this benefit.
As the special funding for this program does have the potential to end unexpectedly, families are strongly encouraged to continue to complete free and reduced meal applications for this school year. Completing an application not only ensures your students receive free school meals without interruption, they also directly impact important school funding sources.
We are very excited to be able to offer meals to all of our students at no cost. Menus will continue to include your same favorite entree and salad bar choices. Ala Cart and Super Sizing will also continue to be available for purchase at the Jr/Sr High School.
Any questions can be directed to Joleen Hagen, Nutrition Services Director, (701) 845-0483 ext. 9, joleen.hagen@k12.nd.us.