
By Aubrey Davis

NORTH DAKOTA ( – Critical fire weather conditions are occurring Tuesday afternoon and evening across most of western and central North Dakota.

Relative humidity values as low as 20 percent, sustained northwest winds of 25 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph, and dry vegetation has prompted a Red Flag Warning. Any fires that ignite could spread rapidly and become difficult to control. Wednesday could be windier with an even lower relative humidity. A Fire Weather Watch has been issued for much of the western and central parts of the state for Wednesday.

Quick Fire Prevention Tips for Farming/Ranching
• Never permit smoking in or near barns, out buildings or flammable material storage areas.
• Never refuel an internal combustion engine while it is hot or running.
• See that crops are dry before storing, provide adequate ventilation in crop storage areas and repair leaking roofs.
• Check for other spontaneous combustion hazards, such as hay stacks, manure piles and oily or paint-soaked rags.
• Be sure that all electrical wiring is inspected and approved.
• Burn trash only in an incinerator equipped with a spark arrester or a covered burn barrel.
• Never burn on windy days. Keep water and firefighting tools handy.
• Do not conduct field burning without proper safety precautions.
• Be sure grain dryers have adequate controls to shut off blowers or dampers when temperatures get too high in the heat transfer chamber. Never use homemade dryers.
• Never use fumigants near open flames or electrical equipment.
• Provide adequate fire extinguishers in all areas where the potential for fire exists, e.g.,workshops, machine sheds, vehicles, tractors and fueling areas.
• Consult your fire department for advice and literature on all farm fire safety and fire prevention matters.

When a fire is discovered, call 9-1-1 at once. DO NOT attempt to fight the fire before calling the fire department.

Keep the directions to your farm posted near the telephone for visitors and others not familiar with the area.