
BISMARCK, N.D. (Bismarck Tribune) – South Central District Judge Thomas Schneider has concluded that Democratic-NPL insurance commissioner nominee Travisia Martin has not lived in North Dakota long enough to hold office. His findings go to the state Supreme Court, which could order Secretary of State Al Jaeger to remove her from the November ballot.

North Dakota’s Republican Party is challenging Martin’s residency eligibility for office, asking the Supreme Court to compel her removal from the ballot. Martin, a critical care respiratory specialist in Bismarck, is challenging Republican incumbent Jon Godfread, who is seeking a second term.

The GOP has cited Martin’s November 2016 vote in Nevada as evidence of her ineligibility to hold office, based on a five-year residency requirement for executive branch officials.

Martin has not disputed her vote, citing her unfamiliarity with North Dakota voting requirements and “a desire to make sure my voice was heard in the electoral process.”