VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – On Sunday August 23rd, the District 24 Dem-NPL and friends gathered at the Dacotah Pavilion located in Chautauqua Park for their annual Summer Picnic. This year’s picnic was another chance for people to meet Dem-NPL candidates for state legislature, Sen. Larry Robinson, Naomi Muscha, and Bradley Edin, but also a chance to thank the Barnes County Food Pantry for their hard work, and to help raise awareness about essential community services. They were joined by Dem-NPL candidates for statewide office Dr. Shelley Lenz, Zach Raknerud, and Patrick Hart, who also spoke about the importance of supporting local programs and services.
Featured guest speaker Pat Hansen, Director of the Barnes County Senior Center and Barnes County Food Pantry, spoke to the crowd gathered about the crucial work the Food Pantry continues to do, especially in these COVID-19 times. She spoke of the scope of the work of the Senior Center, reminding people that the food pantry is just one part of their organization, but that programming, senior living, and public transportation make up a large part of their operation.
Sen. Larry Robinson thanked Pat Hansen for the hard work she continues to do on behalf of District 24 and Barnes County.
Robinson said, “Pat and the Senior Center are gifts to our community. I know just how hard she works and I can tell you that she runs one of the best programs in the state and we’ve got to support her and all of our essential programs. We need representatives who will support her and our programs.”
After overwhelming support for and recognition of their incredible work, the Dem-NPL summer picnic was able to raise $750 for the Barnes County Food Pantry.
Story submitted to NewsDakota.com by the District 24 Dem-NPL.
Feature photo: L to R; Dem-NPL Candidates for state legislature, Sen. Larry Robinson, Naomi Muscha, and Bradley Edin.