STATEWIDE (NDDOT) – Driving distracted is dangerous and puts more than your life at risk.
Law enforcement across the state will have extra patrols to enforce the state’s distracted driving law from Sept. 1-30 for U Drive. U Text. U Pay.
Texting while driving is one of the most common distractions and is illegal in North Dakota; however, distracted driving takes on many forms. Bismarck resident Melanie Johnson experienced the dangers of a distracted driver first-hand.
“The idea that a momentary distraction can wipe out a family… I don’t think it’s worth it,” Johnson said.
In May of 2017, Johnson, her husband Pat, and their four kids were hit by a distracted driver while traveling home after spending Mother’s Day weekend in Cavalier, ND.
“As we began to pass a semi hauling a combine, it started veering into our lane. I thought he would correct back into his lane, but he didn’t stop. This caused my husband to go into the shoulder as far as he could and slam on the brakes. That’s when we felt the impact of the combine’s axel hitting the rear of our minivan,” recalls Johnson.
To find out what happened next, watch Melanie Johnson’s story.
This campaign is part of the Vision Zero strategy to eliminate motor vehicle crash fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads.
Visit the North Dakota Crash Memorial Wall to view memorials built on the hope of preventing another death on North Dakota roads.