FERGUS FALLS, MN (NewsDakota.com) – Otter Tail Power Company continues doing all it can to assist customers facing financial hardships—especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The company takes its role as an essential service provider seriously. “We know how much customers depend on us every day and that some may be struggling to pay their electric bills due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Customer Care and Relations Manager Ron Spangler. “We encourage customers to reach out to us if they’re having trouble making payments so we can work together to make a plan.”
To address specific customer needs or requests, the company has been proactively reaching out to customers who are behind on their electric bills to offer next steps and suggest resources for potential support from state and local agencies. Anyone who’s concerned about paying their electric bill or can’t pay their bill in full should call the company directly to discuss options for payment arrangements.
Otter Tail Power Company also warns its customers that scams are prevalent. “Scammers are looking to take advantage of what may be a hard time for many people and businesses,” said Spangler. “We’ll call our customers to provide an account update or to discuss payment options, but we’ll never ask for account information or require immediate payment. And we’re always willing to talk with customers about payment options.” Customers who receive suspicious contact—especially if the caller is requiring urgent payment or encouraging payment in a way that’s not typical—should ignore it and call Otter Tail Power Company at 800-257-4044.
Otter Tail Power Company appreciates its customers’ partnership as the company works to safely and reliably provide affordable electricity. For more information about payment options and how to avoid scams, visit otpco.com.