Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service


The Iowa Department of Agriculture says there are approximately 14 million acres of insured crops potentially damaged by the derecho storm a week ago. This includes 8.2 million acres of corn and 5.6 million acres of soybeans that may have been impacted by the storm. The storm destroyed several grain bins. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig adds, “the state has lost tens of millions of bushels of grain storage just a few weeks before harvest begins.” Scouts on the Pro Farmer Midwestern Crop Tour will report on some of the damages this week. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds requested near $4 billion in federal aid to assist farmers in a letter to President Donald Trump over the weekend. The President on Monday signed an emergency declaration for Iowa. The storm impacted nearly 37.7 million acres of farmland across the Midwest, with Iowa appearing to take the brunt of the storm.

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