VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – On Sunday August 23rd, from 4 – 7 p.m., your District 24 Democratic-NPL is hosting its annual free Summer Picnic near the Dacotah Pavilion located in Chautauqua Park at the east end of 12th St NE in Valley City. This year’s picnic will give people a chance to meet their Dem-NPL candidates for local and statewide office, and help raise funds and awareness for the Barnes County Food Pantry, whose services help support and feed food insecure families and individuals here in Barnes County.
Donations received at this year’s picnic will be divided evenly between the Barnes Co. Food Pantry and your Dem-NPL candidates for state legislature, Sen. Larry Robinson running for the State Senate, and Naomi Muscha and Bradley Edin running for the two State House positions.
Joining Sen. Robinson and candidates Muscha and Edin at this event, will be Pat Hansen, Director of the Barnes County Senior Center and Barnes County Food Pantry to speak on the current needs of the food pantry in the era of COVID-19, as well as Dem-NPL candidate for governor, Dr. Shelley Lenz, and Dem-NPL candidate for U.S. Representative, Zach Raknerud.
Says Dem-NPL Candidate Bradley Edin: “As critical as it is to support good government and good leadership in North Dakota, it’s equally important to support essential services like the Barnes County Food Pantry. Like your state representation, organizations like the Food Pantry have real impacts in people’s lives. We’re proud to support them however we can.”
Feature photo L to R; Sen. Larry Robinson, Dem-NPL Candidate for Governor Dr. Shelley Lenz, Bradley Edin and Naomi Muscha.