VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Barnes County Commission unanimously passed a motion that will reduce the total construction cost of the new jail. The commission agreed to eliminate the law enforcement center portion within the new facility during their board meeting on August 18th.
According to the contractor, Adolfson & Peterson, that move will lower the total Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for construction as well as the total project cost. Those figures will be released publicly as soon as they are available.
Assistant Project Manager Madison Young explained the first steps of the construction process now underway at the site along the I-94 frontage road east of Valley City.
Meanwhile, Terry Brock led a petition earlier this month protesting the commission’s decision to build a new jail that will be financed over a 30 year period. He said during the petition drive there was overwhelming support not to build a new jail. He said we had elderly people informing us that they cannot afford any more taxes, that they are at risk of losing their homes. He added, that farmers are telling us that they also have all the obligations that they can handle and don’t need more. Brock hopes the response to the petition will remind commissioners that the county extends past the boundaries of Valley City?
Brock said he hired an attorney to see what options he can pursue under North Dakota Century Code concerning this petition protest.