
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – Musician, songwriter, and working farmer Chuck Suchy is using his experiences with the elder population across the state for new music.

Suchy has been writing and performing for nearly 40 years, but most recently has been working through a program with elders in the state to create new music.

Sally Jepson with the Jamestown Arts Center says the Art for Life Program seeks to improve the emotional and physical health of elders, many of whom are in elder care, through intensive art and artist interaction.

“The winter of 2020 saw the advent of COVID-19 and subsequent measures to curtail its impact,” Jepson stated. “Among the worst affected are our elders in care facilities, many of who still are in quarantine.”

To help combat combat the stress, loneliness, and other negative health factors associated with this time, art activities were redesigned to align with physical distancing and other safety factors while still generating meaningful, impactful interaction.

“One such effort was beautifully done by Chuck Suchy,” Jepson added.

Suchy has since partnered with organizations such as the Bismarck Art & Galleries Association and Burleigh County Senior Adults Program in Bismarck, Enderlin Municipal Fine Arts Association and Maryhill Manor in Enderlin, and Jamestown Fine Arts Association, Jamestown Arts Center, and Ave Maria Village/Heritage Centre in Jamestown.

“Chuck called elders on the phone and visited with them about their lives, thoughts, and experiences,” Jepson said. “Using words of inspiration generated from those conversations, four songs were written, performed, and recorded to be shared with those elders, their families, and others with those organizations and in those communities.”

The song written from Jamestown work is titled “We Worked With Horses” and can be heard below:

“As a collection and collaborative effort with the elders, these songs reveal strength, humor, and wisdom during these difficult times,” Jepson says. “They touch upon the essence of North Dakota folklife while How Will I Know Your Heart also, in beautifully poignant lyrics, expresses the feelings of many associated with required physical distancing during COVID-19; feelings that transcend the pandemic to the essence of what is most important in life – connectedness and love.”

Suchy will be performing these songs and more during tonight’s Downtown Arts Market beginning at 5:30 PM.

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