CARRINGTON, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Residents of the Central City were left reeling after a Friday storm dropped nearly five inches of rain in a short period of time.
Heavy rains caused significant flooding in Carrington. Mayor Tom Erdmann says the quick rains overwhelmed to sanitary sewer system, causing flooding throughout the city.
Erdmann says with their systems overwhelmed with the amount of precipitation, water levels rose quickly.
Erdmann added that some homes were damaged due to the flooding in Carrington.
Erdmann says the community quickly mobilized and began cleanup operations. He says instead of opening up the landfill, they cleared out the northside of the bunker for residents.
Mayor Erdmann says they have continued working on drainage issues after having cleaned out debris from the storm sewer system earlier this year.
No injuries were reported in the flooding and no damage estimates were immediately available.
Below are some photos courtesy of Ken Wangen on Facebook. If you have photos you’d like to submit, email them to news@newsdakota.com.