Micheal Clements, NAFB News Service
The Center for Exhibition Industry Research says an increasing number of U.S. business to business exhibition organizers are postponing or canceling events. A June study found 73 percent of organizers have canceled events, 37 percent have postponed, and 17 percent are still scheduled. The trend is evident in agriculture with major events, including the Farm Progress Show and several state fairs, canceling this year. The Center’s CEO, Cathy Breden, says the trend “is devastating to an industry that contributed over $101 billion to the U.S. GDP last year.” The survey found 74 percent of organizers cited uncertainty regarding if meetings would be allowed due to lockdowns. Additionally, 69 percent report corporate no travel policies are impacting participation. The survey found 63 percent of organizers have added a hybrid or virtual component, and 44 percent have a virtual backup plan in the event they are forced to cancel at the last minute.